"Courage, Dear Heart" Cookie
"Courage, Dear Heart" cookie wisdom on a scalloped square.

Harry Potter Quote Cookie

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible" Cookie

"You are a warrior" Cookie
"You are a warrior" quote encircled by a wreath.

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" Cookie

"Hello beautiful" Cookie

Wine Cookie Wisdom Cookies

"Has anyone seen my glass slipper?" Cookie

"Live a life of purpose" Cookie

"Breathe" Cookie

One Tough Cookie Plaque

I Just Want to Drink Coffee & Make Pretty Things

Travel Cookie
Go | Tour | Roam | Drift | Wander | Journey | Explore | Discover | Adventure

"Be bold or italic, never regular" Cookie

Think, Believe, Dream, Dare

"Bite the bullet" Cookie

Molar Bear Cookie

"What if I fail? Oh but my darling, what if you fly?" cookie

Grammar Quote Cookie

Always Wear Your Invisible Crown

"Put on your positive pants" Cookies

"I believe in the power of baked goods" Cookie

"No limits" Cookie

"Always be yourself" Cookie
Always be yourself...unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn.

"You Got This" Thought Bubble Cookie

"Live like there's no midnight" Cookie

"Who needs a therapist when you have a Bunco group?" Cookie

"With Brave Wings She Flies" Cookie

"Adventure Awaits" Cookie

"Take a bite out of life" Apple Cookie
"Take a bite out of life" quote on a large (5x4") apple cookie.

"You decide" Cookie

"Love is the best thing we do" Cookie

"No pressure, no diamond" Cookie

"Passion, surround yourself with those who have it" Cookie

"You Got This" Cookie Wisdom
"You got this" cookie wisdom on scalloped oval.

"The secret to having it all..." Cookie

"Your life is your story. write well. edit often." Cookie

"Reading is dreaming with open eyes" Cookie

Goodbye Cancer Cookie

"Chin up buttercup" Cookie

"Love is the best thing we do" Cookie

"OCD: Obsessive Coffee Disorder" Cookie

"You had the power all along, my dear" Cookie

"Who needs a therapist when you have a bunco group?" Cookie

Courageous Cancer Cookies

"Be Kind..." Cookie
"Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Plato

"Success...It's not always what you see" Cookie

"Yes!" Cookie

"Strong Opinions, Weak Facts" Cookie

"Strength" Cookie

"You Hold the Key" cookies
"You hold the key" (1x4") scalloped rectangle message cookie.
"The door is there and the key is in your hand" quote on (2½x4½") scalloped rectangle with filigree fondant key.

"Be a fountain, not a drain" Cookie

"Don't wish, Do" Cookie

"Make a difference" Cookie
"make a difference" on a message cookie painted with edible gold.

"What goes around, comes around" Cookie

"Thanks" Cookie
"Thanks" in nine languages on plaque cookie.

"Wake up and be awesome" Cookie

Personalized Unicorn Cookie

"Chin Up Buttercup" Cookie
"Chin up Buttercup" quote on cookie.

"Think Believe Dream Dare" Cookie
"Think Believe Dream Dare" quote on cookie.

"We never touch people so lightly..." Cookie
"We never touch people so lightly that we don't leave a trace."

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow" Cookie

"Put on your positive pants" Cookie

"I bake, therefore I am" Cookie

"Carpe Librum, Seize the Book" Cookie

Snips & Snails Cookie

"You are braver than you believe" Cookie
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

"Actions speak louder than words" Cookie

"Always wear your invisible crown"

"Be Still" Cookie

"Focus Focus Focus" Cookie

"Be the type of person that you want to meet" Cookie

"A beautiful life..." Cookie
"A beautiful life is created one sweet moment at a time."

"What we think, we become" Cookie

"Success...it's not always what you see" Cookie

"be here now" Cookie

"Live simply, laugh often, love deeply" Cookie

Advice from an Apple Cookie
Be well rounded | Let your plan ripen | Hold onto core values | Take a bite out of life! | Know when to let go | Eat healthy | Savor variety

"Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit" Cookie

"86,400 Seconds" Cookie
"86,400 seconds" quote on a scalloped (1x4") message cookie painted with gold swirls.

"What a wonderful thought it is..." Cookie
What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.

"Broken Crayons Still Color" Cookie

Travel Words Cookie

"Be awesome" Cookie Wisdom
"Be awesome" quote on individual scalloped rectangle letter cookies done in a variety of bright colors.

"beautiful" Cookie Wisdom
"beautiful" quote on (1x4") scalloped message cookie.

"Dare Greatly" Cookie

"Cinderella is Proof" Cookie

"Coffee: the Gasoline of Life" Cookie

"Surround yourself with people who get it" Cookie

"Owl always love you" Cookie

"Create" Cookie

"Do Small Things With Great Love" Cookie

"The days are long but the years are short" Cookie Wisdom
"The days are long but the years are short" quote on a cookie.

"Up up and away" Cookie Wisdom and Balloon Cookies
"Up up and away in my beautiful balloon" quote on plaque cookie, balloon cookies, "up up and away" cookies.

"Has Anyone Seen My Glass Slipper" Cookie

"Be Decisive" Cookie

"Don't Quit Your Daydream" Cookie

"Find that Magical Place in Your World" Cookie

"Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams" Cookie

"New Day, New Week, New Possibilities" Cookie

"Inhale Exhale Repeat" Cookie

"It Takes Great Courage..." Cookie

"Inhale the Future, Exhale the Past" Cookie

"Fortune favors the brave" Cookie

"Life is Too Short" Cookie

"Kindness Unlocks Doors" Cookie

Love Logo Cookie
Iconic LOVE logo on a 3" scalloped square cookie with a beaded border. Available in other sizes.

"Life is Tough My Darling But So are You" Cookie

"Live Life as if Everything is Rigged in Your Favor" Cookie

"The best view comes after the hardest climb" Cookie

"Amazing Grace" Cookie

Note to Self Cookie

"Up up and away Cookie Wisdom with Balloon Cookies
"Up up and away in my beautiful balloon" quote on plaque cookie, and balloon cookies.

Keep Calm and Go To Medical School Cookie

Iconic LOVE cookie

"Gobble til you wobble" Cookie Wisdom
"Gobble til you wobble" quote on (3¾x4¾“) plaque cookie with gold swipes.

"No Mud, No Lotus" Cookie